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Concussion / Acquired Brain Injury

NeuroHealth Solutions Program for Assessment and Rehabilitation of a Head Injury caused by a Workplace Injury, Automobile Accident, Sports Injury, Personal Injury 


It is common in auto accidents, sports injuries, slips and falls, workplace accidents, or even more traumatic accidents for bodily injury to make a head

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injury seem so minor that neither doctor nor patient recognize it has occurred. A concussion is not always caused by an apparent direct force blow or jolt to the head. But can be caused simply by a rapid change in direction such as an acceleration/deceleration force that is

multi-focal, causing neuron axonal

damage. These otherwise innocuous conditions can change the way your brain normally works and, more importantly, concussion recovery times can vary greatly. Since there is likely a Traumatic Brain Injury, the patient care plan management process can be more involved. 


Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) result in permanent neurobiological damage that can produce lifelong deficits. A moderate severity TBI increases mortality rates by 7 years and increases risk of mortality by 34 times. 


Generally, individuals who sustain a concussion or mild TBI are back to normal within three months or less. But others suffer from long-term problems with anxiety, fatigue, focus, memory, stress, and much more. Signs and symptoms of a mild traumatic brain injury, or concussion, can emerge immediately following the injury, or may not appear for days or even weeks afterward. 

Redefining Concussion Recovery

NeuroHealth Solutions Delivers the Future in Neuro-Science and Technology for TBI Recovery. Recent studies have shown that more than 2.4 million ER visits, hospitalizations and deaths are attributable to Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) annually in the United States, with 5.3 million individuals suffering from the after effects of TBI at any given time. TBI is responsible for 12% of hospitalizations, costing the US 76 billion dollars every year. Afflicted

individuals typically require 5-10 years of intensive therapy, often without measurable and quantifiable results. Traumatic brain injury (TBI), also known as acquired brain injury or simply, head injury, occurs when a sudden trauma causes damage to the brain. This damage can be focal (confined to one area of the brain) or diffuse (involving more than one area of the brain). Concussion is the most common type of TBI. Technically, a concussion is a short loss of consciousness or temporal blackout where the patient experiences a dazed and confused state of consciousness in response to a head injury, but in common language, the term has come to 

mean any minor injury to the head or brain. Historically, the belief was that there was no long term after effects on overall brain function from such injuries, but new research has shown that concussions may result in long-term alterations of higher brain functions. To date, no effective drug therapy has been found to improve outcomes in TBI. However, recent developments in neuroscience and technology, specifically Advanced Simulation Therapy has been shown to make significant improvements in cerebral edema and perfusion, neuronal proliferation, neurogenesis, synaptogenesis, neural network connectivity, cognitive performance and behavior deficits as well as overall quality of life measures and return to work competencies.

Free Introductory Consult

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