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Concussion (mTBI)

  • Frequent Headaches

  • Chronic Headaches

  • Migraines

  • Numbness or Tingling

  • Confusion

  • Slurred Speech

  • Nausea

  • Hot or Cold Spells

  • Weakness

  • Blurred Vision

  • Loss of Balance

  • Loss of Coordination

  • Left Side Weakness 

Have you suffered a Concussion from an Auto Accident, Slip and Fall or Sports Injury?


If you are experiencing any of the symptoms below, you may be suffering from a concussion or traumatic brain injury.  It is important to take what may seem like just a bump on the head seriously. Getting diagnosed with a concussion as early as possible and seeking cognitive rehabilitation, if necessary, is crucial. In most cases, there are personal injury remedies to get the quality of care you're entitled to and legal outcome you deserve.



  • Right Side Weakness

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Irritability

  • Fogginess

  • Inability to Focus

  • Depression

  • Sleep Disturbances

  • Anxiety 

  • Stress

  • Hearing Loss

  • Changes in Taste

  • Changes in Smell

  • Mood Swings

Personal Injury Referrals

  • Motor Vehicle Collisions 

  • Occupational Injuries

  • Workman Compensation Claims

  • Commercial Liability Claims

  • Force of Impact Assessment

  • Independent Medical Examiner

  • Secondary Impact Syndrome

  • Late Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury

  • Claims of Assault

  • Negligence Claims

  • Liability Claims

Receive the Quality of Care You're Entitled Too and Legal Outcome You Deserve
Contact Us for a Free Phone Consultation or Call us Direct at 480.696.5796

Acquired Brain Injury

It is common in auto accidents, sports injuries, slips and falls or even more traumatic accidents for bodily injury to make a head injury seem so minor that neither doctor nor patient recognize it has occurred. A concussion is not always caused by an apparent direct force blow or jolt to the head but be caused simply by a rapid change in direction such as an acceleration/deceleration force that is multi focal causing neuron axonal damage. These otherwise innocuous conditions can change the way your brain normally works and more importantly concussion recovery times can vary greatly.

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) result in permanent neurobiological damage that can produce lifelong deficits. A Moderate Severity TBI increases Mortality rates by 7 years and increases Risks of Mortality by 34x. 

Generally, individuals who sustain a concussion or mild TBI are back to normal within three months or less. But others, suffer from long-term problems with anxiety, fatigue, focus, memory, stress and much more. Signs and symptoms of a mild traumatic brain injury, or concussion, can emerge immediately following the injury, or may not appear for days or even weeks afterward.

Suffering from a Head Injury?

Acquired Brain Injury NeuroTechnology Delivers Cutting-Edge Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy

​Types of Injury

  • Blunt Force Trauma

  • Concussive Force Trauma

  • Coup-Contrcoup Injury

  • Diffuse Axonal Injury

  • Encephalopathy

  • Stroke Injury

  • Heavy Metals Injury

  • Whip-Lash Injury

Cognitive Rehabilitation Protocols​

  • NeuroFitness Assessment

  • qEEG Clinical Analysis

  • fMRI Dysregulation Metrics

  • Diffuse Tensor Imaging Metrics

  • Network Injury Index

  • Stress Response Training

  • LORETA Analysis

  • AST NeurOptimization Training

​Types of Trauma

  • Motor Vehicle Collisions

  • Slips & Falls

  • Environmental Toxins

  • Sports Related Events

  • Occupational Trauma

  • Other Personal Trauma

  • Oxygen Defeciency

  • Shaken Baby Syndrome

Cognitive Rehabilitation​ Remediates

  • Sub Acute Symptoms

  • Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Injury Sequelae

  • NeuroPsychological Symptoms

  • Pain & Nerve Damage

  • Brachial Plexus Injury

  • Vascular Dysplasia

  • Post Concussion Syndrome

  • Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

  • Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency

Redefining Concussion Recovery

Performance Research Sciences Delivers the Future in NeuroScience and Technology for TBI Recovery

                                                                                                Recent studies have shown that more than 2.4 million ER visits, hospitalizations and deaths                                                                                                         are attributable to Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) annually in the United States, with 5.3 million                                                                                                     individuals suffering from the after effects of TBI at any given time. TBI is responsible 12% of                                                                                                      hospitalizations, costing the US 76 billion dollars every year. Afflicted individuals                                                                                                                            typically require 5-10 years of intensive therapy, often without measurable and                                                                                                                              quantifiable results. Traumatic brain injury (TBI), also known as acquired brain injury or simply,                                                                                                  head injury, occurs when a sudden trauma causes damage to the brain. This damage can be                                                                                                         focal (confined to one area of the brain) or diffuse (involving more than one area of the                                                                                                                brain). Concussion is the most common type of TBI. Technically, a concussion is a short loss                                                                                                          of consciousness or temporal blackout where the patient experiences a dazed and confused                                                                                                        state of consciousness in response to a head injury, but in common language the term has                                                                                                          come to mean any minor injury to the head or brain. Historically, the belief was that there                                                                                                          were no long term after effects on overall brain function from such injuries, but new                                                                                                                      research has shown that concussions may result in long-term alterations of higher brain functions. To date, no effective drug therapy has been found to improve outcomes in TBI. However, recent developments in neuroscience and technology, specifically Advanced Simulation Therapy has been shown to make significant improvements in cerebral edema and perfusion, neuronal proliferation, neurogenesis, synaptogenesis, neural network connectivity, cognitive performance and behavior deficits as well as overall quality of life measures and return to work competencies.

Excitotoxicity Following Traumatic Brain Injury 

Turn Key Solution for Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery, Rehabilitation and Peak Performance

On-Site Acquired Brain Injury Cognitive Rehabilitation Service Centers 

Turn Key Solution for Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery, Rehabilitation and Peak Performance

The regulating excitatory neurotransmitter and

amino acid in the brain is glutamate. When the

brain experiences traumatic injury, a shift in

ionic imbalance in the cerebral tissue occurs,

followed by reduced blood flow and energy store

depletion, depolarizing the cell membrane.

Depolarization results in an excitotoxic cascade

which engages glutamate and other excitatory

amino acids (EAA), releasing supra-physiological

concentrations of excitatory amino acids into the

synapse. These supra-physiological levels of

excitatory amino acids overstimulate the

N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor. Ionic

imbalance develops, with Na+ and Ca2+ influx

and K+ efflux which facilitates further

depolarization, overwhelming Mg2+ ability to

block NMDA receptors. The re-uptake of

glutamate is decreased which results in a further increase in concentration levels. Ionic imbalance further perpetuates a brain injury when increased concentrations of Ca2+ result in neuronal death and the efflux of K+ induces swelling in the brain. Overall, increases in normal levels of excitatory neurotransmitters leads to death of the neurons surrounding the original injury site. The relationship between elevated levels of excitatory amino acids and brain injury is dependent on the severity of the traumatic brain injury sustained. Sustained elevated levels of excitatory amino acids in the cerebrospinal fluid have been confirmed in patients with severe traumatic brain injuries for at least 7 days following the initial injury. Subsequently, elevated levels of excitatory amino acids have been found as far as 6 months post injury in some patients with severe traumatic brain injuries. 


A Comprehensive Analysis of Multi Focal Diffuse Axonal Injury

Integrative NeurOptimization Approach to Remediate Effects of Acquired Brain Injury.

Performance Research Sciences has developed a cutting-edge solution for optimizing

brain and nervous system function that is not available anywhere else in the world!

PRS offers a Turn Key Solution, Setup and Staffing for Traumatic Brain Injury with an 

On-Site Acquired Brain Injury Cognitive Rehabilitation Service Centers to be located

at an Organization's Facility with operational hours that are available to it's personnel

during typical workday hours up to 6 days per week. All necessary equipment to provide

Cognitive Rehabilitation services is included for the duration of services agreement.

Professional Services delivered consist of the following NeurOptimization modalities

as needed but not limited to: Advanced Simulation Training, a Non-Invasive, Drug Free 

Integrative NeurOptimization Training Approach (Biofeedback, Neurofeedback, ASR,

LPR, RTZ NFT, AVE, NST, TDACS, TDCS, CES); Clinical QEEG - Ready State EEG Analysis,

Relaxed State EEG Analysis, Clinical Acute Stress EEG Analysis, On-Field EEG Analysis;

NeuroFitness Assessments; Traumatic Brain Injury Discriminant Analysis; Concussion

and Neural Network Injury Index; Cognitive Performance Assessments and Testing; Cognitive Emotional Checklist; Neural Network Analysis; AST Matrix Progression Protocols for Recovery, Rehabilitation and Peak Performance; Physiological and Metabolic Nervous System Analysis; Heart Rate Variability and Coherence Evaluation and Training; NeuroMuscular Coordination and Functional Enhancement Evaluation and Training; Acute Stress Response Training; Associative Active Tactile Feedback Training; Disassociative Active Tactile Feedback Training; NeurOptimization Device Individualized Evaluations and Training Protocols. NeurOptimization Visualization Techniques and NeurOptimization Device Protocols development as needed on an individual basis.



NeuroHealth Solutions has an interdisciplinary team of brain injury specialists with a concentration in human head injury including pathology and histology involving Blunt Force Trauma, Motor Vehicle Collisions, Occupational Incidents, Sports Related Trauma, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Shaken Baby Syndrome. To date, justification for treatment of head injury has been neglected. The World Health Organization defines TBI as a chronic disease process having one or more of the following characteristics: it is permanent, caused by non-reversible pathological alterations, requiring special training for the individual affected, and may require a long period of observation, supervision, or care. Brain injury reduces life expectancy and increases long-term mortality. Brain injury is associated with increased incidences of seizures, sleep disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, as well as non-neurological disorders including sexual dysfunction, bladder and bowel incontinence, and systemic metabolic dysregulation that may arise and persist for months to years post-injury. Advanced Simulation Therapy an Integrative NeurOptimization Training Approach offers a solution to remediate mild to severe Concussion and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). For human head injuries resulting from car collisions, the threshold average velocity for the onset of severe injuries is estimated to be 6.7 meters per second (or 15 miles/hr). These forces are easily reproduced in high-speed collisions that can occur in sports such as football, soccer, and hockey.

Neural Network Injury Index

A Comprehensive Analysis of Cognitive Performance Metrics of the Brain

Advanced Simulation Therapy utilizes state of the art

neuroscience technology to monitor brain and nervous

system activity. Individuals learn to produce efficient

brainwave frequency patterns which result in physical

or psychological symptom reduction, speeds up

recovery time, improves the rehabilitation process and

optimizes individual biological and physiological peak

 performance. These remarkable Proprietary Protocols

and Systems Integration of Neuro-Biological and

Physiological Training Regimens are only available

from Performance Research Sciences breakthroughs

in neuroscience research and development that are

available with Advanced Simulation Therapyâ„¢, an

Integrative NeurOptimization Training Approach. AST

is undeniably years beyond today's current knowledge

base and understanding of the comprehensive nature

of brain and nervous system function relative to

human biological and physiological peak performance.

AST is applicable to all regulated sports both on a

professional and collegiate level. AST is a non-invasive,

drugless alternative providing optimal training modalities that provide positive outcomes for Brain and Nervous System Function, NeuroMuscular Coordination, Biomechanics, Autonomic Dysregulation, Limbic System Dysregulation, Chronic Stress and Fatigue, Active Daily Living Skills and overall Elite Athletic Development. Advanced Simulation Therapyâ„¢ was designed to Optimize your Mind; Activate your Body; Improve Quality of Life. Additional positive outcomes include: Delaying the effects of aging on the human brain, Mitigating symptoms of neurological disorders, improving sensory motor cortex function, remediating diffuse axonal injuries, increasing neural pathways, promoting neural plasticity and stimulating neurogenesis. Individual results are regulated by individual adaptations to training and frequency, intensity and duration of AST Matrix participation.

Performance Research Sciences utilizes clinical qEEG to assess known cognitive metrics that reflect optimal neural activity patterns for brain performance. Every Athlete undergoes a non-invasive NeuroFitness Assessment which provides valuable information about brain and nervous system function providing state of the art biological and physiological metrics relative to human performance. Our proprietary fusion protocols allow for assessment and remediation of specific locations within the brain that optimize overall performance.

Traumatic Brain Injury Discriminant Analysis

Proprietary Progression Protocols

swLORETA Analysis FMRI Metrics

Pre and Post Results of AST Intensive Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy

Brain Injury: Analysis, Assessment, Optimization, Reorganization, Normalization

A Comprehensive NeuroFitness Assessment of the Brain and Nervous System

FFT Summary

Brodmann Areas, Functional Anatomy of the Brain, Neuropsychological Symptoms, Neural Networks

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